Articles with tag “community” (page 1 of 1):

Terminus (TTF) v4.35 released

On in “Devstuff” by Tblue
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There’s been a small bug fix release of Terminus Font. The changes in version 4.35 are as follows (taken from the font’s website):

  • Added hi2 variant for size 18.
  • Fixes in size 18: normal V, normal W, bold X, H stroke, some pseudographic characters and the *NIX installation.

In other news, Terminus (TTF) v4.35, the TTF version of Terminus Font, has been released. Grab it here.

Terminus (TTF) 4.34 released

On in “Devstuff” by Tblue
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Terminus Font and Terminus (TTF) 4.34 have been released.

Changes (from the Terminus Font homepage):

  • Added size 10x18.
  • Small fixes and improvements in section, multiply, Eng, eng, Dje, dje, house, male, infinity, zeta and various other characters in the different sizes.
  • The default cyrillic ghe is now ge1, with ge2 available as variant. For the TTF versions that means that the unpatched, original BDF files are used from now on. The result is the same as before.

Download the TTF files here.

Terminus (TTF) v4.32 released

On in “Devstuff” by Tblue
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At the end of last year, Terminus Font 4.32 was released. On that occasion, I regenerated my TTF version, which now is officially called Terminus (TTF).

This time, I used Potrace instead of the old and unmaintained Autotrace to trace the bitmaps. As a result, the font’s outlines look a little bit more smooth than they did before; please tell me how you like them! If too many people complain about the smoothness, I will go back to Autotrace, promised. :-)

It may be that using Potrace fixes the issues some of you had — but there’s a chance that it makes things even worse… Anyway, just drop me a line if you have any problems so I can look at it. I can’t promise anything, though (except reverting to Autotrace, as I said above).

Please also note the license change: Just like Terminus Font, starting with version 4.32 (i. e. this release), Terminus (TTF) is licensed under the Open Font License, Version 1.1 — but don’t panic:

It’s FSF approved, no need to worry.

—Dimitar Zhekov, author of Terminus Font

The Arch Linux PKGBUILD and the mkttf scripts have been updated to reflect the changes made in this release.

Enough said, you can get the shiny new TTF files here:

Have fun!

Planet Pytal: Neues Backend

On in “News” by Tblue
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Der von mir betriebene Planet Pytal hat nun ein neues Backend (also eine neue Software, die die Feeds parst und eine Seite daraus generiert): Statt Planet werkelt nun Venus (basiert auf Planet) im Hintergrund.

Venus scheint keine Probleme mehr mit Feeds zu haben, die Planet nicht parsen konnte - also ist wieder alles in Ordnung.

Eine weitere Neuerung ist, dass Feeds, die seit 60 Tagen keine Aktivität gezeigt haben, als “inaktiv” markiert werden.