Good bye b2evolution, hello Pelican!

On in “Misc” by Tblue

I’ve finally managed to replace the truly ancient version of b2evolution that served as this blog’s backend for the last 13 years with Pelican.

While b2evolution is a classic PHP application with a database, Pelican generates simple static websites. Which is nice because you just need some place (like GitLab Pages, GitHub Pages, or an AWS S3 bucket) to put those static files instead of a fully-fledged LAMP setup. No database required! Of course, less software also means both a smaller attack surface and less maintenance, which is an added bonus.

I managed to keep most URLs intact (most importantly: article and tag URLs), but unfortunately, the main Atom and RSS feed URLs are now different. Sorry about that! At least there are now per-tag feeds available, which makes it easier to track e. g. the terminus tag.